
1.1 为了更好地为您提供服务,请您仔细阅读这份协议。本协议是您与本应用就您登录本应用平台进行注册及使用等所涉及的全部行为所订立的权利义务规范。您在注册过程中点击“注册”等按钮、及注册后登录和使用时,均表明您已完全同意并接受本协议,愿意遵守本协议的各项规则、规范的全部内容,若不同意则可停止注册或使用本应用平台。如您是未成年人,您还应要求您的监护人仔细阅读本协议,并取得她/他们的同意。
1.2 为提高用户的使用感受和满意度,用户同意本应用将基于用户的操作行为对用户数据进行调查研究和分析,从而进一步优化服务。
2.1 LIFAair是一款爱德发科技有限公司旗下软件产品,可实现手机端实时监控公司净化器、加湿器产品的数据,并实现一系列控制,APP内严禁一切非法、涉黄信息,违反社区运营规范者,一律封号处理。
2.2 本应用服务的具体内容由本应用制作者根据实际情况提供。
2.3 除非本注册及服务协议另有其它明示规定,本应用所推出的新产品、新功能、新服务,均受到本注册及注册协议规范。
2.4 本应用仅提供相关的网络服务,除此之外与相关网络服务有关的设备(如个人电脑、手机、及其他与接入互联网或移动网有关的装置)及所需的费用(如为接入互联网而支付的电话费及上网费、为使用移动网而支付的手机费)均应由用户自行负担。
3.1 用户帐号注册
3.2.2 请勿以国家机构或其他机构的名称注册;
3.2.3 请勿注册不文明、不健康名字,或包含歧视、侮辱、猥亵类词语的帐号;
3.2.4 请勿注册易产生歧义、引起他人误解或其它不符合法律规定的帐号。
3.3 用户帐号的所有权归本应用,用户仅享有使用权。
3.4 用户有义务保证密码和帐号的安全,用户利用该密码和帐号所进行的一切活动引起的任何损失或损害,由用户自行承担全部责任,本应用不承担任何责任。如用户发现帐号遭到未授权的使用或发生其他任何安全问题,应立即修改帐号密码并妥善保管,如有必要,请反馈通知本应用管理人员。因黑客行为或用户的保管疏忽导致帐号非法使用,本应用不承担任何责任。
3.5 用户承诺对其发表或者上传于本应用的所有信息(即属于《中华人民共和国著作权法》规定的作品,包括但不限于文字、图片、音乐、电影、表演和录音录像制品和电脑程序等)均享有完整的知识产权,或者已经得到相关权利人的合法授权;如用户违反本条规定造成本应用被第三人索赔的,用户应全额补偿本应用的一切费用(包括但不限于各种赔偿费、诉讼代理费及为此支出的其它合理费用);
3.7 如用户在使用网络服务时违反上述任何规定,本应用有权要求用户改正或直接采取一切必要的措施(包括但不限于删除用户上传的内容、暂停或终止用户使用网络服务的权利)以减轻用户不当行为而造成的影响。
4.1 任何网站、单位或者个人如认为本应用或者本应用提供的相关内容涉嫌侵犯其合法权益,应及时向本应用提供书面权力通知,并提供身份证明、权属证明及详细侵权情况证明。本应用在收到上述法律文件后,将会尽快切断相关内容以保证相关网站、单位或者个人的合法权益得到保障。
4.2 用户明确同意其使用本应用网络服务所存在的风险及一切后果将完全由用户本人承担,本应用对此不承担任何责任。
4.3 本应用无法保证网络服务一定能满足用户的要求,也不保证网络服务的及时性、安全性、准确性。
4.4 本应用不保证为方便用户而设置的外部链接的准确性和完整性,同时,对于该应用外部链接指向的不由本应用实际控制的任何网页上的内容,本应用不承担任何责任。
5.1 本应用特有的标识、版面设计、编排方式等版权均属本应用享有,未经本应用许可授权,不得任意复制或转载。
5.2 用户从本应用的服务中获得的信息,未经本应用的许可,不得任意复制或转载。
5.3 本应用的所有内容,包括商品描述、图片等内容所有权归属于北京爱德发科技有限公司,任何人不得转载。
5.4 本应用所有用户上传内容仅代表用户自己的立场和观点,与本应用无关,由作者本人承担一切法律责任。
5.5 上述及其他任何本服务包含的内容的知识产权均受到法律保护,未经本应用、用户或相关权利人书面许可,任何人不得以任何形式进行使用或创造相关衍生作品。
1.1 For you to receive better services, please read this agreement carefully. This agreement is the rights and obligations standard established between you and this app for your login, registration, utilization and all other actions with respect to this app platform. If you click buttons like "register" during the registration or log in and use after the registration, you are deemed to have fully agreed and accepted this agreement, willing to abide by all the rules and regulations specified in this agreement. If you do not agree, then you can cease to register or use this app platform. If you are an juvenile, you shall also let your guardians to read this agreement carefully and obtain their consent.
1.2 For a better user experience and satisfaction, the user agrees that this app can investigate and analyze user data in terms of the user’s operating actions, so as to further optimize services.
2.1 LIFAair is a software belonging to Beijing Edifier Technology Co., Ltd., capable of monitoring and controlling real-time data of purifiers and humidifiers via mobile phone. Any illegal and pornographic information are strictly prohibited in this app, otherwise account will be void.
2.2 The specific services of this app are offered by its producer in terms of actual situation.
2.3 Unless otherwise expressly stated in this agreement, new products, functions and services launched by this app are all subject to this agreement.
2.4 This app only offers relevant network service. Devices (PC, mobile phone, and other devices related to getting access to the Internet or mobile network) and costs (mobile phone and Internet charges for getting access to Internet, mobile phone charge for using mobile network, etc) in relation to relevant network service shall be borne by the user.
3.1 Register an user account
3.1.1 The user of registering this app system can log in by way of
phone number, email or third parties (QQ, WeChat, etc).
3.1.2 If log in through a third party, the user can only use Chinese
characters, English letters, numbers, underscores and their
combinations. Spaces, symbols and special characters are all
prohibited, otherwise registration cannot be approved.
3.2 If discovers any indecent text or inappropriate names in the
user’s account, reserve the right to disqualify this user.
3.2.1 Do not register with real names, another names, titles, stage
names, and pseudonyms of party and state leaders or other social
3.2.2 Do not register with names of national institutions or other
3.2.3 Do not register an uncivilized or unhealthy name, or an account
containing discriminatory, insulting, salacious words;
3.2.4 Do not register an account that is likely to lead to ambiguity
or misunderstanding, or not in accordance with legal requirements.
3.3 This app reserves all rights of user account, and the user only has the right to use.
3.4 The user is obliged to guarantee the security of password and account. All losses or damages which result from any utilization of this password and account by user are at the user’s sole risk, and this app does not take any responsibilities. If the user discovers any unauthorized use of account or any other security issues, he/she shall immediately change password and keep it securely, informing this app’s administrator if necessary. This app will assume no responsibilities whatsoever with respect to any illegal use of account caused by hacker or the user’s negligence in keeping password.
3.5 The user promises that he/she owns the complete intellectual property or has already obtained legal authorization from relevant owners for all information published or uploaded in this app, namely, works subject to the "Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China", including but not limited to text, pictures, music, movies, performances, audiovisual products and computer programs, etc. If the user violates this term and causes this app to be claimed by a third party, the user shall fully indemnify this app for all costs (including but not limited to all compensations, litigation fees and other reasonable costs paid for this purpose);
3.6 When a third party believes that information published or uploaded
by the user infringes its rights, and sends a notice of rights to this
app on the basis of the "Act on Protection of the Right to Propagate
Information on the Network" or relevant laws and regulations, the user
agrees that this app can delete the alleged information of
infringement at its own decision. Unless the user can submit written
proofs of eliminating possibilities of infringement, this app will not
automatically recover the deleted information mentioned above;
(1) Do not use the network service system for any illegal purpose;
(2) Abide by all agreements, regulations and procedures with respect
to network service;
(3) Do not use this app’s services for any actions that may have
adverse impacts on the normal operation of the Internet;
(4) Do not use this app’s services for any actions harmful to this
3.7 In case of any breach of regulations stated above by the user when using network service, this app has the right to require the user to correct or directly take all the necessary measures (including but not limited to deleting contents uploaded by the user, suspending or discontinuing the user’s right to use network services, etc) to relieve influences caused by the user’s misconduct.
4.1 If any website, institution or individual thinks that this app or relevant contents offered by this app is alleged to infringe its legitimate rights and interests, his website, institution or individual shall promptly send a written notification of power to this app with proofs of identity, ownership and details of infringement. Upon receiving legal documents stated above, this app will remove relevant contents as soon as possible to ensure that the legitimate rights and interests of relevant website, institution or individual are protected.
4.2 The user expressly agrees that all risks and consequences of using this app’s network service will be entirely borne by the user, and this app does not bear any responsibilities for these.
4.3 This app will not guarantee that network service must satisfy the user’s requirements, nor will it guarantee the timeliness, security or accuracy.
4.4 This app will not guarantee the accuracy and integrity of external links made for the convenience of the user. In the meantime, this app shall assume no responsibilities for any webpage content that is linked to external links and not controlled by this app.
5.1 This app reserves all copyrights of logos, layout designs, layout methods and all others peculiar to this app. Without permission and authorization from this app, please do not copy, repost or download.
5.2 Without permission from this app, the user is forbidden to copy, repost or download any information obtained from this app.
5.3 All contents in this app, including product descriptions, pictures and others, are owened by Beijing Edifier Technology Co., Ltd. No one has the right to repost or download.
5.4 All contents uploaded to this app by the user only represent the user's personal position and opinion and have no association with this app, the user shall bear all legal liabilities.
5.5 Intellectual properties stated above and any other intellectual properties of contents contained in this service are all protected by laws. Without written permission from this app, the user or other relevant owners, no one has the right to use or create any derivative works in any form.
中芬合资 东莞市利发爱尔空气净化系统有限公司 +86 4006660192 工作时间:09:00 - 18:00
粤ICP备13067361号 Copyright © LIFAair(丽风).All rights reserved.
Site by Ventmere.